I would like to share the songs that were chosen on my wedding day!
Alvina's song illustrates the words from my heart very well -- she is like angel telling my prayers... as I'm listening to it now, my tears can't help from rolling down. As I'm married to my husband, my heart is very much at peace -- the kind of PEACE that he can only provide as God blesses us everyday!
一輩子愛您 (國) 王菀之
Now that my husband and I are moving in together at this stage, we're thinking of many little things - like how to move the furnitures, what color do we want, how to squeeze in both of our stuff (plus my parents' stuff)!!
送我一個家 泳兒
晴朗天 榕樹蔭 月半彎 圖畫想得多漂亮 前景敢不敢跟你 去開發 在市區 望向理想的優雅 談著儲蓄的計劃 我卻不信城內會沒有吵架 如樓下 太喧嘩 樓上娃娃哭了嗎 連累小小的我不禁害怕 難道愛亦會變得頹垣敗瓦 回家 屋邨幾多伙人家 然後發現哪伙還會愉快 能令我極眷戀的家 有嗎 藍吊燈 桃木桌 白絹紗 尋找裝修的抉擇 研討傢俬的擺設 與風格 在市區 望向美好的高塔 談盡美好的說話 我卻想到城外我遇過的家 如樓下 太喧嘩 樓上娃娃哭了嗎 連累小小的我不禁害怕 難道愛亦會變得頹垣敗瓦 回家 屋邨幾多伙人家 然後發現哪伙還會愉快 能令我願每天一起 回家 你未必需要給我密碼 或者請送我一個家 要是你能為我情願付最大代價 期望你亦能令我 遺忘愛會慢慢平淡 如樓下 種鮮花 樓上輕輕敲結他 誰在家中跟我彷似渡假 炫耀愛沒有變得頹垣敗瓦 回家屋邨幾多伙人家 然後抱著你可微笑睡覺 而合照亦要靠一起 去掛
I'm thinking of my father's family and relatives in China and Singapore! Hope that they're all doing well!
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