Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter to All of You!

This year's Easter is very special for me because Ada (my second goddaughter) has been baptised as Theresa Faustina at the Easter Vigil in St. Patrick's Parish, celebrated by Fr. Anthony Ho.

It comes as a surprising blessing to have a second (god) daughter, because I did not expect to participate in other church activities, except St. Mary's Sat 5pm choir. After getting married in last August, I was 'depleted' for the fact that wedding was truly life-transforming and also demanding in terms of discipline and prayer (at least for myself).

The Holy Matrimony between Horace and I is blessed with the grace to witness the baptism/ confirmation/ and first Holy Communion of Ada. She was born in China and came here where she was very young. She is fluent in English and Cantonese -- a very cheery and bubbly girl! Auntie Kit brought her to my choir at St. Mary's, which started our faith journey from singing and praying, to sharing fellowship with the church choir and WCCCLC. How amazing is God's love to plant the seeds and now it's the time to see the fruits are blooming!

From Ada's RCIA class, I also met another two special ladies!! One is little Emily, 4 years old, who loves Dora the Explorer and accompanies Mommy Esther in class all the time. She is so shy to strangers, but once she gets to know you, she tickles you and gets her older brother so excited to run around with joy and fun spirits!!! The most amazing thing is that she did not fall asleep for the three-hour Vigil for the whole night =) I gave her coloring books and baby crackers, so that she can always accompany mommy to come to church!!!

The third special lady is Christine (Lorraine Rita). She is a Maryknoller who also has a daughter who went to Maryknoll till F. 2 in Hong Kong. I'm gratefully surprised to meet with her, because we talked about from Mrs. Edith Wong to our principal, Mrs. Huang! I have to admit that my memories aren't great as hers and her daughter's about our Alma Mater... I gave her a prayer card and a blessed plate of St. Dominic, as Maryknoller Sister Convent is part of the Sisters of St. Dominican Order. May we always bond together in Maryknoller's spirit and the prayers of our school's patron saint, St. Dominic!!

Horace did not fall asleep for three hours at the Easter Vigil mass!!! He was praying, emptying out his worries, and engaging in the baptismal and confirmation rites! Hope that the Vigil experience continues to release his gifts of Holy Spirit from the confirmation that he received in 2000 (with the Archbishop at Cathedral). How amazing is God's love and grace!

I pray for everyone in the RCIA Chinese class that they bring the joy and peace of Our Resurrected Lord to their daily lives, with ceaseless blessings to their families and friends =)

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