Sunday, August 08, 2010

Lost 5 lbs - true or unreal?

Today, I have been on my 4th day of USANA Reset program diet. Honestly, I think that I've failed quite bad because I missed two meals of milkshake - on the first day and the third day. In between meals, I ate more than 1 serving of vegetables and sometimes had a couple bites of sweet stuff. I try to make my veggies a bit plain at first - just with lime juice. However, I have found that it's kind of unbearable without tasting anything, thus I went ahead to put white/ black/ red peppers, basil/ oregano, and lemon juice (for substituting lime juice).

We tried zucchini, tomatoes, portabello, mushrooms, banana peppers, eggplants, and lettuce. The vegetables add a lot of life into our regular health routines. We respect the environment and become more self-conscious about our own health system.

I come to respect the vegetables better these days, because I rarely know how to relate to them in any other creative ways except boiling them. Now I know how to grill them more properly before they turn bad.

I also remember how I grew my own vegetables organically at home. It takes a long time (at least 2-3 months) for a cucumber to grow from seeds into a fruit!!! It takes the planter's patience and effort to make them happening. When I hold these vegetables that I bought from farm in my own hands, I become more aware of what I am eating that are effecting my body and the environment.

Eating more healthily is not a short-term passion, but it is a change in our lifestyle for better health!

I hope that I could continue on with more thoughts on exercising! Because right now, I am busy with settling in my home which takes up a lot of energy too!!

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