Saturday, October 02, 2010

3rd week of classes

This weekend, we have been all tired by Friday afternoon that some of us fell asleep in class, some got sick, and some just got anxious about the assignments that will be due next week. It has been a month of valuable experiences! (1 out of 10 months has been done!) Kinda excited, but at the same time, overwhelmed!! For some people, it's easy because they only have to deal with their own personal life, but for me, I had to juggle with a couple of commitments to make my first month work. Work, volunteering, b-days, and family visits have made my weekends almost packed with stuff!!! I hope to take the weekends off to recoup, cook, and nourish, but apparently this hasn't been happening except today (just because I'm sick at home). I hate this feeling! I really wanna be up and going again!!

I started my first practicum last Tuesdays, which was valuable because I got to observe classrooms of K, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 6, and Grade 7. I skipped out Grades 1, 4, and 5 because I have got no time. I really like the different grades that I was able to observe, although my concentration should be with the intermediate grades. I have to watch clearly what and how I speak in classroom, because this is the essential communication that I convey, plus some non-verbal gestures. I noticed that my fac advisor is very good at picking out my mistakes, but at the same time, I want this practice because this is the only way to be better! I have a lot of delivery skills to work upon, which hopefully will be a fruitful experience afterall!

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